Minggu, 28 Juni 2015


Vertigo is one form of headache sufferers experience where the perception of undue movement (the rotating movement normally or drift) that disebapkan by disorders of the vestibular system. Vertigo often with symptoms of nausea and vomiting as well as the inability of sufferers keep the balance of the body, that menyebapkan sufferers have trouble standing or walking.
Vertigo is divided into three types. The first type is known for its objective in which sufferers feel the objects surrounding the move. The second type is known as subjective where sufferers feel they are moving at the moment they're silent. the third Type known as pseudovertigo, in which patients feel a sensation of movement spinning in his head.

The definition of the Vertigo

The word is derived from the vertigo Greece vertere, meaning turning (2). The sense of vertigo is a sensation of movement or a taste: the motion of the body or the surrounding environment, it can be accompanied by other symptoms, especially from otonomik network due to disorders of the tool body balance. Vertigo (often also called dizziness, dizziness or dizziness) is a condition in which a person feels dizzy spinning or accompanied the environment feels even though the person's body spins are not moving.

This disorder occurs due to impaired balance either central or peripheral, abnormalities on ear often causes vertigo. To define a disorder that causes vertigo, the ENT doctor-TOS will usually check ENG (elektronistagmografi).


Sufferers feel as though her moves or rotates; or the sufferer feel as if the surrounding objects are moving or spinning.

Causes and Diagnosis

Can patogologis various types of Vertigo. There is a temporary or persistent, structural or functional decline in value of the visual, or vestibular system or conveys proprioceptive system or from the center of integrative mealui a mechanism also led to a "Misfit". In other words, a lot of things that should be considered before determining a diagnosis of vertigo. Evaluation of vertigo has two fundamental objectives: determine the localization of the source of its origin and determine the etiologinya/cause.

Before starting treatment, must be specified the nature and causes of vertigo. Abnormal eye movements indicate the presence of abnormalities in the function of the inner ear or the nerves connecting it to the brain. Nistagmus is rapid eye movement from left to right or from top to bottom. The direction of movement can be helpful in enforcing the diagnosis. Nistagmus can be stimulated by moving the Chief sufferers suddenly or with shed cold water into the ear. To test the balance, sufferers were asked to stand and then walk in a straight line, originally with open eyes, then with eyes closed. Hearing tests often can determine the presence of ear disorder that affected his balance and hearing. Examination of the other is a CT scan or MRI of the head, which could indicate abnormalities of bone or a tumor that was pressing nerves. If an infection is suspected, could have taken a sample of fluid from the ear or sinus or from the spine. If there are suspected decrease in blood flow to the brain, then performed an angiogram, to look at the blockage in the blood vessels leading to the brain.

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